Basil Bush Steel Gauze Screens



Basil Bush Super Gauze!

Size, Quantity
10mm/ 10 Packs
Basil Bush Steel Gauze Screens

Availability: 1 in stock


Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: tar-psxxs-basilbushsteelgauzescreens-10mm-10packs Category: Tags:

Whether they’re called Gauzes, Screens, or Meshes, you won’t be able to find better than the Basil Bush Super Gauze!

Each pack contains 5 screens, and a full box contains 100 packs.

Available in both Brass or Steel and a variety of sizes from 10mm to 25mm.

The 17mm steel gauze screen is the perfect size for the Silver Palm Leaf Pipe!

Basil Bush Pipe Screens are designed to fit into your pipe’s bowl, preventing small bits of tobacco or herbs from being inhaled while ensuring a smooth, clean smoke. They’re a must-have accessory for maintaining a better smoking experience and a cleaner pipe.

Ready to enhance your smoking experience? Head over to Willy Banjo’s website today and grab your pack of Basil Bush Super Gauzes. Don’t wait—shop now for the best in pipe screens!

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