Raw Cone Loader


This device only takes 7.2 seconds to fill a king size cone!

Availability: 1 in stock

raw loader with raw cone and poker


Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: Raw Cone Loader Category: Tags:

The RAW Cone Loader is the fastest, easiest way to fill a cone.

This device only takes 7.2 seconds to fill a king size cone!!!!  It’s made from ECM earth plastic (which degrades in a landfill much much much faster than regular plastic).

The best part is that it’s inexpensive and so easy to use that we know you will be very happy with your loader.

HOW TO USE1) Slide your RAW cone over the tip of the loader2) Use the included card to move material into the loader3) Using the included poker, push your material down the chute and into the cone

4) Once your cone is stuffed, remove the loader and finish packing with the poker. Now sit back, RAWlax and enjoy


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